Wotton is operating a delivery service during the hours listed. People with a food bank voucher will be contacted about their delivery during these times and arrangements made.
We offer support from Citizens Advice Foodbank Adviser and other agencies, please contact the main office to find out more about these services or to book an appointment.
Access: Our services can be accessed through the following referral agencies - P3, Help Through Hardship, Cleanslate, Stroud Citizens Advice, Surgeries, Schools
Geographic Area: Stroud District
Opening Days: Mon - Fri
Opening Times: 3pm - 4pm
Contact Details
Wotton Baptist Church Rope Walk Wotton-under-Edgehttp://strouddistrict.foodbank.org.uk
01453 367077
Ambient Food Items
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
Dairy-Free Available
Gluten-Free Available
Allergies catered for
Meal kits (recipes/ingredients)
Household Items