Category: Organisations

Caring for Communities and People

CCP run a food pantry which open Weds 12 – 6pm, Thursday and Friday 9 – 3pm.

Members of the Pantry are able to shop once a week for £3.50 (rising to £4 on 5 April) for which they get a basket of food worth around £15.

CCP provides other services including a Families Team, Community Wellbeing and Accommodation based services.

Gloucester Foodbank

We provide emergency food parcels to local people identified by agencies as lacking the funds to buy food. Parcels are enough for 3 days and can include toiletries and baby products if needed as well as food. The food we offer is non-perishable in tins and/or packets. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays.

Our footprint covers Gloucester City and immediate surrounding areas including Brockworth, Churchdown, Longford, Twigworth, Highnam, and Hardwicke.

Our administrative centre is based in Great Western Road where we organise the packing of emergency food parcels which can be delivered or collected (by appointment only) on the days we are open.

Alternatively, we have a collection service at 2 hubs based in Gloucester Elim Church (Park End Road) open on Thursdays from 10:30am until 12:30pm and St Philip & St James Church in Hucclecote open on Wednesdays from 10am until 12 noon. Clients can sit down and chat to a volunteer over a cup of tea/coffee while their parcel is packed.

Parcels are tailored to the number of people in the household and the needs of the clients as much as possible.

In addition, The George Whitefield Centre is our warehouse and where donations are delivered, sorted and stored.

We work with over 150 agencies including but not exclusively GL Communities, Citizens Advice, CCP, local schools, housing support agencies, Social Services, Local Council, National Probation Service, Domestic Abuse Support Services and several teams within the NHS who identify and refer the individuals and families lacking the funds to purchase food to Gloucester Foodbank for emergency food parcels.

From April 2023, we will be working more closely with GL Communities to provide a Financial Inclusion service for people referred to us for emergency food with the aim to maximise their income so that they have more money in their pocket.

Let’s Cook with Josie CIC

Adult & children’s funded cookery classes focusing on healthy, nutritious, budget friendly vegetarian meals.

Currently working at the following locations:
Springbank Community Resource Centre – holiday & HAF classes
Stanton Rooms, Charlton Kings – holiday classes
The Ridge Primary School, Whaddon
St Paul’s Hub – adult classes
Springbank Community Pantry – 2 local schools & an adult class
Pupil premium children from local schools taught at my own home
Friends of Elmfield (Gas Green Community Centre) – starting April children’s classes
One to one sessions with adults/children with learning difficulties

Gloucestershire Rural Community Council

We are a Rural Community Council.

Amongst the services we offer are one to one support for adults and children with financial, health & wellbeing issues, long term health conditions, low level mental health, social isolation, loneliness, life challenges, lifestyle.

We have a team of social prescribers who work across the Cotswolds.

(Amanda Wragg Project Manager for Community Wellbeing Service for Cotswold District)

Address: Community House 15 College Green Gloucester GL1 2LZ
01452 528491

Feed Cheltenham

Feed Cheltenham started as a crowdfunder to raise money and awareness during the pandemic. Now Feed Cheltenham is also an umbrella organisation working with local food providers to provide a cohesive approach to food poverty in Cheltenham.