Category: Gloucester

Together in Matson

We are a community centre and we have –

  • A Food Pantry
  • Community Shop
  • Community Fridge
  • Lunch Club
  • Community Meal
  • and we offer a Warm Space

We are a Food Bank referrer and we sign post to other services.

Access: We work with everyone.

Geographic Area: Gloucester

Opening Days: Monday to Friday
Opening Times: 9am - 4pm

Cost: We have donation or pay as you can.

Contact Details

The Redwell Centre, Redwell Road, Matson, Gloucester, GL46JG
Collection Service
Ambient Food Items
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Chilled Food
Frozen Food
Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
Hot Meals Provided
Cold Meals Provided
Ready Made Meals (reheatable)

Fair Shares Community Allotment

It’s a lovely community space in the heart of Barton and Tredworth, which is designed to be more than just be about food growing. It’s a community space that is used for events, activities, art groups, relaxation, wellbeing and lots of food activiti4es too.

Access: All welcome

Geographic Area: Barton and Tredworth

Opening Days: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Opening Times: 10am - 4pm (flexible other days and times when we have events on)

Charging Basis: Free

Contact Details

St James City Farm, Albany St, Gloucester GL1 4NG
01452 415900

Community Conversation – Good Food, What does it mean to you?

Feeding Gloucestershire are collaborating with Good Food Cheltenham and Nourishing Gloucester on a cross district community conversation asking our communities ‘Good Food- what does it means to you?’.
The way all of us produce, buy, cook, eat and throw away food is important and we believe in the true value of good food for people, places, and planet. Ultra processed food impacts our health, our communities, our economy, and contributes to the climate and ecological emergencies the planet faces today.
If you live or work in Gloucestershire we would love to hear from you, please join the conversation and tell us what good food means to you. You can join the conversation here or scan the QR code now.

Nourishing Gloucester – February Forum

Thank you to those who were able to join us for the 2nd Forum on February the 1st.

Feedback from the forum can be seen here – NG Forum Feb 2024

During the forum four areas of work were prioritised and working groups have begun to form, the areas prioritised are

  • Accessing Fresh Local Food
  • Distribution and Surplus
  • Nutrition and Learning
  • Community Growing

Wrap around support and Mapping are areas of work that are already in progress. Health and Wellbeing is a strand of work that runs through all of the priorities and funding is an area we will review with  organisations involved as this work progresses.

One thing that was requested at the forum was a directory of organisations across Gloucester who are or wish to be involved with this work. So we have created a google form to collect Directory information and will host a Gloucester specific directory. Please fill in this form to sign up to the directory and to tell us if you would like to be involved in any of the working groups.

We now have a date and venue for our first action group on Community Growing – details can be found here

Nourishing Gloucester Forum

Building a sustainable food network was one of the priority areas identified at Feeding Gloucestershire’s launch in Gloucester and reflects the recommendations made in Nourishing Gloucester: A Food Strategy for All

Through the Nourishing Gloucester Forum, which is being facilitated by Feeding Gloucestershire and Gloucester City Council,  we will explore how we can bring together strategic and policy priorities with practical community delivery, knowledge and experience – to identify key development areas and create an action plan that is reflective of the needs of Gloucester City and the organisations that support the city.

At our first Forum meeting in November 2023 we explored two questions

  • What we need for a Sustainable Food Network by 2030?
  • How can we create the Network and who should be around the table?

Since our last forum we have been working in the background and we now have a dedicated email address,, and social media accounts so you can connect with us –Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

At our next forum on the 1st February 2024 we will be looking at deciding our priorities and asking who will join us to take this work forward

Longlevens Community Food Swap

Community Food Swap

Swap and share your homegrown/made produce.

Do you have a surplus of fruit or veggies? Why not swap them for produce you don’t have!

A community food swap is a fun, free way to share fruit, vegetables, herbs, seeds, flowers, preserves, eggs, baked goods and other homemade products!

Our 2024 Food Swaps will be at 10am on
June 8th
July 13th
August 10th
September 14th

Gloucester District Launch

For our second district launch we were in Gloucester. Our thanks go to Dawn from The Venture: White City for helping us to arrange this event – from arranging the venue, to bringing the Eat Well Wagon and providing lunch. For those who have not heard of the Eat Well Wagon, it is a mobile kitchen and a wonderful community resource that has been making appearances across Gloucester during HAF.
Additional thanks go to Clare from Gloucestershire Gateway Trust and Gloucester Services for providing a taster table of delicious food from local producers.
During the event Leanne Purnell (Gloucester City Council wellbeing team) told us about the work that has been done on ‘Nourishing Gloucester – Gloucester City Food Strategy’.
We also spent time discussing the work that has been happening across the city and the challenges and opportunities to make change for the communities of Gloucester City and the county. Conversations were rich and varied and attendees left considering who else should be a part of the conversation we started at the launch.
Our thanks go to everyone who was able to join us for the launch.
Here is the link to the information and learning from this event – Gloucester Launch