Plan to transform Gloucestershire’s Food Culture Wins National Recognition
Gloucestershire Food & Farming Partnership (GFFP), supported by Feeding Gloucestershire (FG), have achieved membership of the Sustainable Food Places network to support their efforts to make local, healthy and sustainable food available to all.
In Sept 2022 the new SFP coordinator came into post, working with the GFFP, FG, and FWAG SW (Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group) to collectively coordinate Gloucestershire’s food and farming landscape, with the aim of moving the county towards achieving a Sustainable Food Places Bronze Award.
“I’m really looking forward to helping connect food and farming across Gloucestershire with the Sustainable Food Places Network. I have met so many inspirational people and projects already and am keen to connect with even more – look out for a Sustainable Food Places Bronze Award Campaign in the near future, and please send me any news of projects or groups which could be included in our programme.”
Jenny Salter – Gloucestershire SFP Coordinator (
Sustainable Food Places is a network of cross-sector partnerships in towns, cities, boroughs and counties that are using food as a vehicle to drive positive change. With support from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and The National Lottery Community Fund, the Network helps people and places to share challenges, explore practical solutions and develop best practice in all aspects of healthy and sustainable food.
Gloucestershire joins a network of over 70 members across the UK who work to tackle some of the biggest social, economic and environmental issues today, from an epidemic of food poverty and diet related ill-health to the loss of independent high street food businesses and family farms through to climate change, biodiversity loss and food waste.
The Sustainable Food Places programme work across six key areas:
1. Promoting healthy and sustainable food to the public
2. Tackling food poverty, diet-related ill health and access to affordable healthy food 16
3. Building community food knowledge, skills, resources and projects
4. Promoting a vibrant and diverse sustainable food economy
5. Transforming catering and food procurement
6. Reducing waste and the ecological footprint of the food system
For more information about Sustainable Food Places visit and follow our Twitter: @FoodPlacesUK
In 2023 Jenny, with the support of Gloucestershire Food and Farming Partnership ,Feeding Gloucestershire , FWAG and Gloucestershire County Council launched a county-wide program of work to secure Gloucestershire its Sustainable Food Places Bronze Award.
In November 2023 Gloucestershire received a bronze award.